新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏玩家更加偏爱Windows 10 这是真的吗?

游戏玩家更加偏爱Windows 10 这是真的吗?

More gamers prefer Windows 10 Is this true?

2016-04-06 10:36:41来源: 华商网

腾讯数码讯(Mangofish)得益于史无前例的免费政策,Windows 10已经成为有史以来市场占有率上升最快的Windows操作系统,很多Windows 7或者Windows 8用户都在第一时间...

Tencent digital hearing (Mangofish) thanks to an unprecedented free policy, Windows 10 has become the fastest growing market share ever Windows operating system, a lot of Windows 7 or Windows 8 users for the first time ...

标签: 游戏