新关注 > 信息聚合 > 世界园林专家昆明共话生态城市与屋顶绿化


Kunming World Garden Experts Talk about urban ecology and green roof

2016-07-02 22:11:50来源: 中国新闻网

中新网昆明7月2日电 (记者 马骞)“2016世界生态城市与屋顶绿化大会”2日在昆明开幕,500多名国内外知名专家学者、业界精英、企业家共话立体绿化与生态建筑,为海绵城市建设提供可行性方案。 本...

BEIJING, Kunming, July 2 (Reporter Ma Qian) "Ecological City and 2016 World Green Roof Congress" in Kunming opening 2, more than 500 well-known experts and scholars at home and abroad, the industry elite, entrepreneurs, then a total green and ecological perspective construction, urban construction to provide a sponge feasibility of the program. this...