新关注 > 信息聚合 > 烟台一中南区小升初半天验证160人 青华中学仅半天

烟台一中南区小升初半天验证160人 青华中学仅半天

Yantai in the south area of the beginning of a small rise half a day to verify 160 Qinghua middle school only a 8 month long time

2015-08-18 08:20:21来源: 水母网

水母网8月18日讯(YMG记者 庞磊 摄影报道)昨日,烟台芝罘区部分初中小升初验证进入第二天,参与学校为烟台一中南区、烟台十中、祥和中学。今天,这三所学校仍可验证,请尚未办理的家长抓紧时间。 昨...

jellyfish net 18 hearing (YMG reporter Wang Lei photo coverage) yesterday, Yantai Zhifu District, part of the junior high school, a small rise in early validation into the second day, are involved in the school of Yantai, a Southern District, Yantai Shizhong, peaceful Middle School. Today, these three schools can still be verified, please do not have the time to take the time. Yesterday...