新关注 > 信息聚合 > 范冰冰领衔光头后竟然更显魅力的女星(图)


Fan Bingbing led bald even more attractive after the actress (Figure)

2016-05-31 05:14:02来源: 中国青年网

在女星们光鲜靓丽的背后,一头飘逸的长发总会为她们增色不少,如果没有了那一头乌黑秀密的青丝后她们是否还会这样光彩照人呢,诸位莫急,随我慢慢往下看: 范冰冰在30岁的时候,拍过一次光头造型的杂志(摄影...

The actress who groomed behind a flowing hair always for them considerably, if not a secret that the raven black hair after they show whether it will be so brilliant, gentlemen Moji, go slowly with me look under: Fan Bingbing at the age of 30, filmed a bald modeling magazine (photography ...