新关注 > 信息聚合 > 朴有天被指控性侵后现身 事件反转女方撤诉道歉

朴有天被指控性侵后现身 事件反转女方撤诉道歉

Park the other day was charged with sexual assault on event reversal after the woman dropped an apology

2016-06-15 12:59:58来源: 国际在线

被指控为性侵的朴有天于15日现身韩国首尔江南区警察厅,戴帽子和口罩,眉眼低垂,对于记者的问题沉默不语。 一名24岁女性在本月10日通过男友向警方举报朴有天,称于6月3日晚在某场所洗手间内遭到朴有天性侵,日前这名女性已经向警方提供了内衣等证物。 据韩媒15日最新报道,该女性今日改口...

Accused of sexual abuse in the park one day in 15 yard on Seoul, South Korea, jiangnan area, wear a hat and mask, eyebrow eye falls, for silent by the reporter's questions. A 24-year-old female on the 10th of this month to report to the police by her boyfriend park one day, said on June 3 in one place, in the late by park has the nature to invade, the woman have provided underwear and other evidence to the police. The latest report, according to local media 15 the women changed to today...