新关注 > 信息聚合 > 山东鼓励中小学教师参加继续教育 五年内不能少于..

山东鼓励中小学教师参加继续教育 五年内不能少于..

Shandong to encourage primary and secondary school teachers to participate in continuing education within five years of not less than..

2015-04-14 16:25:02来源: 山东新闻网

记者今天从山东省政府新闻办召开的新闻发布会上获悉,山东各级教育行政部门和学校应鼓励、支持教师参加继续教育,中小学教师在五年周期内应完成不少于360学分且每年不少于48学分的继续教育。 鲁网4月1...

reporters today from the Shandong Provincial Government Information Office held a press conference was informed that, in Shandong Province at all levels of the education administrative department and the school should encourage and support teachers to participate in continuing education, primary and secondary school teachers complete not less than 360 credits and every year not less than 48 credits for continuing education in the five years of periodic internal. Lu network April 1...