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巴西女排总决赛14人名单 谢拉杰奎琳领衔全主力

Brazil women's volleyball finals 14 people in the list of Sheila Jacqueline led all the main

2016-07-02 14:04:22来源: 新浪

巴西女排 新浪体育讯 北京时间7月2日消息,2016年世界女排大奖赛总决赛将于本月6日在曼谷揭幕。巴西女排主帅吉马良斯带领全主力出战总决赛,塔伊萨、法比亚娜、杰奎琳、谢拉、达尼-林斯等名将均在列。 巴西女排在本赛季大奖赛分站赛取得7胜2负积22分位居第四晋级总决赛。巴西女排在大奖...

Brazil women's volleyball team sports news Beijing time July 2nd news, 2016 World Women's Volleyball Grand Prix finals will be unveiled in Bangkok on the 6 day of the month. Brazil women's volleyball coach Guimaraes lead the main played in the finals, tayi SA, Fabiana, Jacqueline, Xie pull, Dani - Lin, and so on star in the column. Brazil women's Volleyball Grand Prix in the season 7 wins 2 negative 22 points ranked fourth in the finals. Brazil women's volleyball team at the grand prize...