新关注 > 信息聚合 > 武汉光谷计划5年投10亿争夺海归贤才


Wuhan Optical Valley plan 5 years, investment 10 billion for returnees Xiancai

2015-06-05 08:19:05来源: 科学技术部

过去5年,作为国家第二个自主创新示范区的光谷,正成为全球海归创新创业的新乐土。光谷5年已累计投入10亿元吸引海归,怀揣绝技和梦想前来创业的海内外人才团队,超过2000个。 2009年底,光谷首次...

over the past five years, as countries a second independent innovation demonstration zone of the optical valley, is a global returnees innovation and entrepreneurship Xinle soil. Optical Valley five years has invested 10 billion yuan to attract returnees, carries the stunt and dreams come to venture overseas talent team, more than 2000. 2009 end of the year, Optics Valley for the first time...