新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高能预警!端午节假期,济南大明湖周边将最堵


Energy Warning! Dragon Boat Festival holiday, Jinan Daming Lake will be the most peripheral block

2016-06-08 16:51:06来源: 大众网

“一行白鹭上青天,我被堵在最中间。”端午临近,交通路况再成市民关注的热点。根据省高速交警总队、济南交警支队及高德大数据分析,因端午假期高速公路不免费通行,预计济南及周边交通流量环比五一假期有所下降,不过热点区域的路况并不轻松。 从高德地图大数据近三年端午节监测情况来看,市区的千佛山、...

"Line of egrets on the sky, I'm stuck in the middle." Dragon Boat Festival approaching, traffic conditions and then into the public attention. According to the provincial high-speed traffic police corps, Jinan traffic police detachment and high-Tak data analysis, not because of the Dragon Boat Festival holidays highway free passage, Jinan and the surrounding traffic is expected to ring down from the holiday, but traffic hot spots is not easy. From the high moral map data big Dragon Boat Festival the last three years to monitor the situation, the city Qianfoshan, ...