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《高考》纪录片央视热播 触发网民高考集体回忆

"College entrance examination" documentary CCTV hit trigger netizens entrance collective memories

2015-08-17 09:28:38来源: 中国新闻网

①距离高考还有一天,甘肃会宁县第一中学的学生手系红色希望丝带为高考加油。 ②实习即将结束时,刘艳霞被告知无法留用,开始寻找新工作的她陷入了迷茫。 ③哥伦比亚大学新闻学院毕业典礼上,中国留学生将面...

(1) from the entrance there is a day, Huining County, Gansu Province, the first high school students hands red line to ribbon cheer for the college entrance examination. The internship is coming to an end, Liu Yanxia was told not retained, looking for a new job, she lost. At the graduation ceremony of the school of Journalism at Columbia University, Chinese students will face...