新关注 > 信息聚合 > 论如何利用雪天在朋友圈打败北方人


How to use the snow circle of friends to defeat the northerners

2016-01-22 11:33:11来源: 新蓝网

首先,在大雪纷飞冻成狗之前,我们要团结一致,众志成城 一起来宣布这个事实: 在初冬之际,就是前一阵子, 南北方各下了一场雪, 北方的雪是这样的: 南方的雪是这样的: 那时的雪里都埋着秋色...

First, before the snow frozen dog, we will be united, united together to announce this fact: On the occasion of winter, that is, long ago, South and North each under a snow and the north is this: the South Snow is this: when are buried in snow in the autumn ...