新关注 > 信息聚合 > 13日零时起竹溪立交多匝道封闭施工 绕行可避拥堵

13日零时起竹溪立交多匝道封闭施工 绕行可避拥堵

At 0:00 on the 13th from Zhuxi Interchange Multi Ramp closed construction detour to avoid congestion

2016-05-12 01:32:50来源: 人民网广西视窗

竹溪立交桥东往西施工示意图。 (市交警支队提供) 13日零时起,竹溪立交东往西桥面封闭施工 桥上7个方向通道全被阻断 5月8日,竹溪立交桥西往东方向主桥面施工结束,恢复通车。昨日,记者从南宁交警部门获悉,13日零时起,根据竹溪立交桥整治工程施工推进情况,竹溪立交桥综合整治第三期工...

Zhuxi overpass east to west schematic construction. (City traffic police detachment provided) at 0:00 on the 13th onwards, Zhuxi Interchange east to west bridge construction bridge closed the whole direction of the channel 7 is blocked May 8, the end of Zhuxi overpass west to east direction of the main bridge construction, open again. Yesterday, reporters from Nanning, the traffic police department was informed at 0:00 on the 13th onwards, according to Regulation Zhuxi overpass construction and Advance, Zhuxi overpass comprehensive improvement of the third phase of work ...