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Zhu Yawen in Basel to talk about the details of "bribe" proposal for mother

2015-03-21 20:17:01来源: 中国青年网

朱亚文 腾讯娱乐讯 北京时间3月20日,也是瑞士巴塞尔表展的第二天,朱亚文身着黑色时尚西装,搭配条纹领带,时髦迷人现身表展现场。展厅内朱亚文现场试戴了一块品牌新品手表,据悉,此款手表因具备近三十多种功能而被比尔盖茨喻为“最聪明的手表”。 在接受媒体采访时,朱亚文聊起与表有关的趣事...

Zhu Yawen Tencent entertainment news Beijing standard time on March 20th, second days is the Basel Watch Fair in Switzerland, Zhu Yawen dressed in a black suit with a striped tie, fashion, fashion show charming appearance table field. The hall Zhu Yawen tried on a brand new watch, it is reported, this watch has nearly thirty kinds of functions and Bill Gates was hailed as the "most smart watches". In an interview, Zhu Yawen talked about the fun and table...