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2015 Liaoning college entrance examination scores released

2015-06-23 16:04:14来源: 中国教育在线

中国教育在线讯 2015年辽宁高考分数线已经公布,文科一本线530分,理科一本线500分。2015年辽宁高考分数线具体如下: 中国教育在线为大家整理出近年来辽宁高考各批次录取分数线,为广大考生填...

China Education Online News 2015 Liaoning college entrance examination scores have been published, a line of liberal arts 530 points, a line of science 500 points. 2015 Liaoning college entrance examination scores are as follows: China Education Online for everyone to sort out the Liaoning college entrance examination in recent years, each batch of admission scores, for the majority of candidates fill...