新关注 > 信息聚合 > 食安抽检:火锅底料检出工业染料


Food safety sampling: hot pot material detection industrial dye

2015-08-11 22:18:33来源: 青岛网络电视台

针对前段时间抽检的市民最为关注的十大食品,昨天食药部门公布了生鲜海产品的检测结果,今天要公布的是受关注程度排名第二位的火锅底料,情况如何呢?这就来揭晓。 这次的抽检范围涵盖商场超市以及火锅店,共...

for some time ago and sampling of the public are most concerned about the top ten food yesterday, the food and Drug Administration Department announced a fresh seafood, test results, to be released today is concern ranked second place in the pot bottom material, how's it going? This is to reveal. The sampling range covers shopping malls and hot pot restaurants, a total of...