新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玉林市举办“守纪律 讲规矩”主题教育事迹报告会

玉林市举办“守纪律 讲规矩”主题教育事迹报告会

Yulin city held a "disciplined about the rules of" theme of education deeds will be

2015-04-22 13:36:57来源: 广西新闻网

用巾帼的榜样力量传递正能量 ——全国巾帼建功标兵黄墁、全国三八红旗手黄业珍为玉林市“守纪律、讲规矩”主题教育活动作事迹报告 报告会现场 全国最美基层公安民警、全国巾帼建功标兵黄墁在作报告 全...

with women's example of the power of positive energy transfer -- National pacesetters yellow plaster, the three eight red banner pacesetter Huang Yezhen of Yulin city "about the rules of discipline," the theme of educational activities for deeds report will be the scene of police at the basic level of the country's most beautiful the pacesetters, Huang man in the report...