新关注 > 信息聚合 > 时尚纤薄双摄加持 华为 P9移动版2599元

时尚纤薄双摄加持 华为 P9移动版2599元

Stylish slim dual camera blessing Huawei P9 Mobile 2599 yuan

2016-06-11 03:28:21来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline深圳站行情】华为 P9定位高端,外观纤薄时尚,2.5D玻璃和全金属机身带来出色质感,最突出的是与徕卡合作打造的双摄像头系统,为拍照体验加分不少。其搭载八核海思麒麟955处理器,配合3GB运存以及32GB ROM,带来流畅体验。现华为 P9移动版新品现货在商家善信科技报价...

[PConline Shenzhen station market] Huawei P9 high-end positioning, slim, stylish appearance, 2.5D glass and metal body brings excellent texture, the most prominent is the dual camera system to build cooperation with Leica, the camera experience plus a lot of points. Its equipped with Hass Kirin 955 eight-core processor, with 3GB of memory on and 32GB ROM, bring smooth experience. Now Huawei P9 mobile version of new stock in the business, science and technology worshipers offer ...