新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郭晶晶儿子最新照片曝光 霍中曦近照呆萌姿态尽显..

郭晶晶儿子最新照片曝光 霍中曦近照呆萌姿态尽显..

The son of Guo Jingjing the latest photos of exposure There are plenty of people who Zhongxi photo staying adorable attitude show Huo..

2014-12-17 21:34:54来源: 大众网

娱乐体育圈嫁入豪门的大有人在,跳水冠军郭晶晶也是其中一员。2011年郭晶晶申请退役,2012年11月与霍启刚进行了注册,第二天便举行了婚礼,那场婚礼长达八个小时,宾客多大1800人。 郭晶晶儿子...

entertainment sports circle married into the giants, diving champion Guo Jingjing was one of them. In 2011 Guo Jingjing for retired in 2012, November and Kenneth Fok were registered, second days held a wedding ceremony, the wedding guests as long as eight hours, more than 1800 people. The son of Guo Jingjing...