新关注 > 信息聚合 > 上半身肥胖者减肥秘诀


Upper body obesity weight loss tips

2016-03-20 08:15:22来源: 新浪

看看自己哪个部位的脂肪超标了,可以先取一本2.5厘米厚的书,用拇指和食指捏住书脊体会2.5厘米厚的感觉,或用手指比划出2.5厘米的间距 来。然后用同样的方法捏起腹、腰、臀、腿等各部位的皮肉。若感觉比...

See yourself which parts of the fat is excessive, you can take a 2.5 cm thick book, with the thumb and forefinger of the spine Experience 2.5 cm thick feeling, or draw with your fingers than 2.5 cm spacing. Then picked the same way belly, waist, buttocks, legs and other parts of the flesh. If you feel more than ...