新关注 > 信息聚合 > 埃克尔斯隋响成领头雁 2014长阳冠军赛19日决战

埃克尔斯隋响成领头雁 2014长阳冠军赛19日决战

Eccles Sui ring collar bar headed goose 2014 Changyang Championship 19 day battle

2014-10-19 01:04:24来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 冠军赛讯 北京时间10月18日下午两点的加州水郡高尔夫俱乐部,2014长阳冠军赛第三轮结束全部比赛。本轮交出-2红字的澳大利亚球员本·埃克尔斯(Ben Eccles)以220杆(78-7...

Sina Sina sports dispatch Championship news Beijing standard time on October 18th at two in the afternoon the California County water golf club, the 2014 Changyang championship game of the third round of the end of all. The turn over -2 scarlet letter Australian players Ben Eccles (Ben Eccles) to 220 bar (78-7...