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科颜氏产品卓效成分 成就弹力紧致肌肤

Years, Yan Zhuo Xiao composition achievement firming skin

2015-05-18 18:05:33来源: 瑞丽女性网

2015年,科颜氏精准紧颜提升精华乳液的上市,就是旨在帮助爱美女性提拉紧致肌肤,全面改善肌肤整体弹性,并提升脸部轮廓。 肌肤松弛和毛孔粗大是令很多女性苦恼的肌肤问题。纽约天然护肤潮牌科颜氏,自2005年科颜氏携手哥伦比亚大学顶尖皮肤医学专家,共同研发出“科颜氏皮肤专家系列”,推出多款...

2015, Kiehl's precise tight Yan enhance essence emulsion listed, is designed to help female beauty firming skin, and comprehensively improve the overall elasticity of the skin, and enhance facial contours. Flabby skin and large pores is a skin problem that many women in distress. New York natural skin care tide brand Kiehl's, 2005 Kiehl's hand in Columbia University's top medical experts the skin since, jointly developed "Kiehl's skin expert series", launched a variety of...