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模仿帝新作恶搞马刺:全队面瘫 暴扣时有人睡大觉

The new emperor imitation spoof Spurs: team paralysis dunks when someone sleeping

2016-01-26 09:06:42来源: 网易

网易体育1月26日报道: 著名的“模仿帝”今天又出新作品了,这一次他的恶搞对象是圣安东尼奥马刺。 场上有人暴扣,板凳席上的人只是非常淡定象征性的拍拍手。场上焦灼,板凳席甚至拿起了杂志。场上队友晃...

NetEase sports January 26th report: the famous "the emperor" today and a new work, this time he is the object of the Sanantonio spurs. There was a storm on the court, the bench seats on the person is only a very calm symbolic pat. On the bench anxious, and even picked up a magazine. Field mate...