新关注 > 信息聚合 > 埃帅:4国脚归队已做好准备 朴泰夏:盼一雪前耻

埃帅:4国脚归队已做好准备 朴泰夏:盼一雪前耻

Egypt handsome: 4 ready to rejoin the international Park Taixia: hope shameful

2016-08-13 08:50:44来源: 搜狐

上海上港明天下午3点30分,将在中超第21轮比赛中客场挑战延边富德。今天下午,球队来到延边人民体育场进行了赛前适应场地的训练。 除了因伤没有随队出征的胡尔克,以及禁赛的埃尔克森,上港队其他球员都...

Shanghai International Port tomorrow 15:30, will be away Yanbian Fuld in the Super 21 competition. This afternoon, the team came to the Yanbian People's Stadium before the game to adapt to field training. In addition to the injury did not travel with the team of Hulk, and suspended Elkeson, the Hong Kong team of other players ...