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预测Android 6.0的全新特性:比5.0系统更接地气

Prediction of new Android 6 features: down to earth

2015-05-11 11:55:42来源: TechWeb

Android 6.0 不出意外的话,谷歌的开发者大会Google I/O很快将于5月28日在旧金山正式召开,而且对于此次大会,谷歌已经留下一些诱人的线索,告诉众人在大会上Android操作系统的...

Android 6 not surprisingly more than 5 systems, Google Developer Conference Google I/O will soon be officially held in San Francisco in May 28th, and for the conference, Google has left some tantalizing clues, told the crowd at the meeting of the Android operating system...

标签: Android