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《洛奇》中元地宫开 僵尸闯人间

In the rocky yuan underground to open the zombie world

2016-08-17 12:57:25来源: 天极网

传说在中元节的当天,阴曹地府将打开地狱之门,放出全部的鬼魂,让已故祖先可回家团圆。 8月17日起,《洛奇》将为玩家朋友开启惊悚但不恐怖的“素描幽灵”活动,福利轻松领的“签到活动”,并为大家带来可...

Legend has it that on the day of the hungry ghost festival, the underworld will open the door of the hell, let out all the ghosts, let the deceased ancestors can go home reunions. On August 17, rocky will give players a friend open thriller but not terrorist "sketch ghost" activities, welfare relaxed collar "sign in", and to bring us to...