新关注 > 信息聚合 > 冬病夏治不仅仅是敷贴


Winter disease summer is more than just sticking

2016-07-12 22:04:08来源: 中工网

本报讯 一提起冬病夏治,很多人首先想到的是三伏贴,有人甚至把这两者画上等号。事实上,穴位贴敷只是冬病夏治的经典手段之一。除此之外,还有针刺、艾灸、理疗、按摩、熏蒸,以及内服温养阳气的中药等方法。三伏贴因为简便易行,所以相对更受青睐。 为帮助患者进一步了解冬病夏治究竟能治哪些病,本报健...

Report from our correspondent a filed winter disease summer, many people first think of the three lie down, and some people even put the picture of the two equal sign. In fact, acupuncture applied is one of the classic means of winter disease summer treat. Besides, there are acupuncture and moxibustion, physical therapy, massage, fumigation, and internal and temperature raise the methods such as sun be the spirit of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Three lie down because simple, so relatively more popular. To help patients to learn more about winter disease summer which can cure disease, cure this kin...