新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015·绵阳市烈士公祭活动举行


2015 - Mianyang City martyrs memorial activities held

2015-10-01 09:27:19来源: 四川新闻网

公祭活动现场(张莉 摄) 9月30日是全国“烈士纪念日”。昨日上午,我市在南山烈士陵园举行2015·绵阳市烈士公祭活动,深切缅怀为民族独立人民解放,为国家富强人民幸福而英勇牺牲的革命先烈。市委副...

memorial activities the scene (Zhang Li photo) on September 30, is the "Memorial Day". Yesterday morning, the city in the Nanshan martyrs cemetery held 2015 - Mianyang City martyrs memorial activities, and pay tribute to the national independence and the people's liberation, national prosperity and happiness of the people and of the heroic sacrifice of the revolutionary martyrs. Municipal Party committee...