新关注 > 信息聚合 > 拥抱“钻光白”,争做四万年一遇的美女


Hug "diamond white light," forty thousand years to become a beauty case

2016-06-16 19:53:53来源: 瑞丽女性网

白皙透亮的肌肤简直可以用完美无瑕来形容,轻薄的裸妆完美的展现了肌肤的高质感,加上水润的光泽感,颜值up的可不是一个level哟~虽然四万年一遇是有点夸张了,但是完全担得起绝色美少女的称号啊。 要说...

White translucent skin can be used simply to describe the perfect, thin nude makeup perfect show a high skin texture, add luster moist, color is not a level of value up yo ~ although a case is forty thousand years a bit exaggerated, but the exact title of affordable stunning girl ah. Say ...