新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【新春走基层】南宁社区群众欢乐祥和迎新春


[New Year] Nanning go grassroots community people happy and peaceful Spring Festival

2016-02-09 01:03:50来源: 广西新闻网

广西新闻网南宁2月8日讯(记者 黎超)笔走龙蛇,一张张写满祝福的春联在居民手上传递,红色的纸张映衬出浓浓的喜庆氛围。连日来,南宁市多个社区举办了丰富多彩的文体活动,受到居民欢迎。 新春游园活动吸引...

Nanning, Guangxi News February 8 (Reporter Li Chao) penmanship, a picture filled with blessings scrolls in the hands of the residents passed a red paper to reflect a deep sense of festive atmosphere. In recent days, several communities in Nanning held a variety of cultural and sports activities, welcomed by the residents. Spring garden activities to attract ...