新关注 > 信息聚合 > 前FIFA主席阿维兰热去世 享年100岁

前FIFA主席阿维兰热去世 享年100岁

Former Chairman of FIFA Joao Havelange died at the age of 100 years

2016-08-17 01:37:49来源: 华体网

讯 北京时间8月16日,据巴西《环球体育》消息,原国际足联主席、前国际奥委会委员阿维兰热逝世,享年100岁。 阿维兰热,1916年5月8日出生在巴西里约热内卢,是世界上最受尊敬的体育人物之一。年轻时期,他喜欢体育,擅长游泳,1936年曾代表巴西参加过奥运会游泳400自和1500自的比赛...

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 16, according to Brazil, "Global Sports" news, former FIFA president, former IOC member Joao Havelange, died at 100 years old. Havelange, May 8, 1916 was born in Rio de Janeiro, it is one of the world's most respected sports figures. His youth, he likes sports, good at swimming, has represented Brazil in 1936 participated in Olympic swimming since 1500 and 400 from the game ...