新关注 > 信息聚合 > 成都300中学生齐飞小型降落伞


Chengdu 300 middle school students in full strength of small parachute

2015-03-13 23:43:44来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动() 学生们集体放飞成都印象号中华飞伞。钟欣 摄 一只飞伞落下来,正在被一个同学接住。钟欣 摄 3月13日下午,成都华西中学体育场举行了一堂场面生动的体育活动课,三百多名学生一起抛...

participate in interactive () the students collective flying Chengdu impression number Chinese flying umbrella. Zhong Xin shot a flying umbrella fall, is a classmate of catch. Photo by Zhong Xin on March 13th in the afternoon, Chengdu Huaxi school stadium vivid sports classes a scene, more than 300 students thrown together...