新关注 > 信息聚合 > 屠杀夜利拉德轻取20+5 首节连中4记三分投蒙湖人

屠杀夜利拉德轻取20+5 首节连中4记三分投蒙湖人

Night slaughter. Lillard win over 20+5 first quarter even four 3-pointers vote cast the Lakers

2015-04-04 14:23:35来源: 网易

网易体育4月4日报道: 利拉德全场拿下20分和5次助攻,正是他首节连续轰进4记三分,让比赛早早地失去了悬念。 在压哨进入全明星名单后,利拉德表现越发成熟。全明星后开拓者虽然战绩起起伏伏,但利拉德...

Netease sports April 4 reported: Lillard scoring 20 points and five assists, is his first quarter in a row with a bang enter 4 record three points, make the game early loss of suspense. At the buzzer to enter the all star list, the performance of the more mature game. After the all star Blazers although the record of ups and downs, but Lillard...