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杨幂孙俪林允儿朴信惠 中韩女星演技美貌综合PK

Both China and South Korea actress Yang mi sun li Lin Yun son lovely day acting beauty comprehensive PK

2015-02-26 08:38:34来源: 新华报业网

娱乐圈里总有些貌美如花的女星被称为花瓶,因为她们在演技当面并不完美。盘点中韩当红女星,一起来评价她们的综合实力。 原标题:杨幂孙俪林允儿朴信惠中韩女星演技美貌综合PK 稿源:中国广播网

In the entertainment circle always some beautiful actress called vase, because they are acting in person is not perfect. Inventory sino-south Korean actress and to evaluate their comprehensive strength. The original title: Yang mi sun li Lin Yun son lovely day sino-south Korean actress acting beauty comprehensive PK: contributions China broadcasting network