新关注 > 信息聚合 > 都是升级"S"版 金立P3S约合人民币578元

都是升级"S"版 金立P3S约合人民币578元

Is upgrading "s" version of the Jin P3s about RMB 578 yuan

2015-09-25 06:34:06来源: 中关村在线

中关村在线消息:对于国产手机厂商来说,要想走向国际市场的第一步就要先打开印度市场的大门。对于各类厂商纷纷在印度发布新机的消息早已不足为奇,近日有消息称金立将在本周发布一款入门产品Pioneer P3...

Zhongguancun Online News: for the domestic mobile phone manufacturers, to want to move towards the international market is the first step to first open the door to the Indian market. For all types of manufacturers have in India released new machine of the news has not surprising. Recently, there was news that Jin will be released this week a entry-level products pioneer P3.