新关注 > 信息聚合 > 时装也能转职了?镇魔曲8月新版本今日上线


Fashion can also transfer the? Magic town song in August the new version on the line today

2016-08-04 13:36:48来源: 天极网

网易人气2.5D网游《镇魔曲》于今日开启了8月新版本“悬赏刺杀令”,该版本共包含了三大更新内容: 高额悬赏,买凶杀敌的衣橱系统,以及pve极限团队挑战——10人副本“ 封魔结界”。 其中衣橱系统...

NetEase popular 2.5D online game "Magic Town song" today opened a new version in August, "reward the assassination order", this version contains three major updates: the high reward, buy homicide enemy wardrobe systems, as well as limit pve team challenges --10 copies of "Bot enchantment." Wherein wardrobe system ...