新关注 > 信息聚合 > PINTEC CEO:董骏 智能金融服务,烧钱烧不死对手

PINTEC CEO:董骏 智能金融服务,烧钱烧不死对手

PINTEC CEO: Dong Jun intelligent financial services, to burn money undead opponents

2016-08-31 20:18:50来源: 中国网

完善底层技术架构,最大限度降低风险,纵向深挖差异化,才是未来非传统金融服务企业胜出的关键。 EW:你以前说过,互联网金融只做了一件事,还有99件没有做。哪些是你们在做的那99件? DJ:金融...

Improve the underlying technology architecture, minimize risk, longitudinal dig differentiation, is the key to win future non-traditional financial services companies. EW: you said before, the Internet financial only do one thing, there are 99 didn't do. The 99 pieces of what are you doing? DJ: financial...