新关注 > 信息聚合 > 如恩:给中国设计加点国际范儿


As well: to the Chinese design point of international fan

2015-04-08 17:13:22来源: 新浪网

特约记者|张云亭 编辑|唐晓园 摄影|Pedro Pegenaute Derryck Menere 沈忠海 这家设计公司在成立之初,就确定了以一种国际通行的语言来表达中国传统文化的设计方法,并获...

Special correspondent Zhang editor Tang Xiaoyuan photography Pedro Pegenaute Derryck Menere Zhong Hai Shen the design company at the beginning of the establishment, and determine to a common international language to express the design method of Chinese traditional culture, and won.