新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今天黄道吉日:八大品牌扎堆发布!


Auspicious day today: eight brand cluster release!

2016-06-13 09:58:26来源: 环球网

看黄历,6月13日宜开市、交易、挂匾、开光、动图、修造、栽种等等,着实称得上黄道吉日。不知道是否因为如此,八大品牌都选择了这一天举办发布会。 1、魅族魅蓝3S发布会 魅蓝3的升级版,加入金属后...

See the zodiac, June 13, appropriate opening, trading, hanging tablets, medallion, dynamic figure, building, planting, etc., really be called auspicious day. Don't know whether because of this, the eight brands chose to hold conference that day. 1, meizu incarnate blue 3 s conference spirit's blue 3 updated version, after joining metal...