新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016 AAD 指南:皮肤科手术局部麻醉指南

2016 AAD 指南:皮肤科手术局部麻醉指南

2016 AAD guidelines: dermatologist local anesthesia operation guide

2016-07-25 23:10:36来源: 丁香园

许多皮肤病的诊断和治疗需要手术干预,这些手术多可在门诊局麻下完成,局部麻醉可选用的药物和技术较多,通常根据医生的经验选择,但也受患者因素的影响。 近期,J Am Acad Dermatol 上发表...

Intervention in the diagnosis and treatment of many skin diseases need surgery, the surgery under local anesthesia in the clinic, can choose the local anesthetic drugs and technology is more, usually choose according to the doctor's experience, but also influenced by patient factors. Recently, by J Am Acad Dermatol published...