新关注 > 信息聚合 > 平昌冬奥会预计花费170.5亿元 奥组委称赛后将合..

平昌冬奥会预计花费170.5亿元 奥组委称赛后将合..

Pyeongchang winter will be expected to spend 17.05 billion yuan BOCOG said after the match will be..

2015-12-08 00:26:54来源: 新浪

原标题:平昌冬奥会预计花费170.5亿元 奥组委称赛后将合理利用奥运遗产 平昌冬奥会场地 中国网络名人代表团参观平昌冬奥会比赛场地 代表团与平昌冬奥会组委会交流 【环球网报道 记者 ...

original title: Pyeongchang winter will be expected to spend 17.05 billion yuan BOCOG said after the game will make proper use of the Olympic legacy Pyeongchang winter will visit the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics Games on behalf of the group and Pyeongchang winter will the organizing committee exchange [global network reporter reports site Chinese Internet celebrity delegation.