新关注 > 信息聚合 > 后工业时代 解读湘潭经开区逆势生长的创新密码

后工业时代 解读湘潭经开区逆势生长的创新密码

The interpretation of the post industrial era of Xiangtan Economic Development Zone contrarian growth innovation password

2016-08-10 08:55:08来源: 中国新闻网

中新网长沙8月10日电(湘徽 钟泉)作为区域经济发展龙头的产业园区,它的发展节奏与模式正被加速到来的后工业时代改变。 后工业经济,其主要构成为科学技术产业和现代服务业,它的发展模式更可持续、环保...

Beijing, Changsha, August 10 power (Xiang Hui Zhong Quan) as the leading industrial park of regional economic development, the pace and pattern of its development is being accelerated by the arrival of the post industrial era of change. After the industrial economy, which is mainly composed of science and technology industry and modern service industry, its development model is more sustainable and environmentally friendly...