新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张翰与绯闻女友古力娜扎疑似隔空秀恩爱 郑爽祝福

张翰与绯闻女友古力娜扎疑似隔空秀恩爱 郑爽祝福

Zhang Han and the scandal girlfriend Guli Nazha suspected air show loving Zheng Shuang blessing

2015-02-23 23:38:09来源: 河北新闻网


2 month 22 days, Zhang Han micro-blog drying out of childhood adorable photos, and the accompanying text "who said I thin". Coincidentally, in Zhang Hanfa micro-blog not long ago, the scandal girlfriend gulina firm also uploaded his childhood photos. Since Zhang Han and Zheng Shuang after break up, and gulina firm gossip constantly. Recently, the netizen exposure picture called Zhang Han and...