新关注 > 信息聚合 > 芭蕾舞《睡美人》拉开北京国际新经典艺术节大幕


New classic ballet "the sleeping beauty" opened Beijing international art festival

2016-09-03 12:07:31来源: 中国教育新闻网

现代芭蕾《睡美人》拉开北京国际新经典艺术节大幕 新华社北京9月2日专电(记者 周玮)英国编舞家马修·伯恩版现代芭蕾《睡美人》1日晚在北京天桥艺术中心上演,国际新经典艺术节就此拉开序幕。 金碧辉煌的宫殿、电闪雷鸣的黑暗势力、风景如画的花园、潜意识的森林、玲珑剔透闪闪发光的仙子……很...

Modern new classic ballet "sleeping beauty" opened Beijing international art festival Xinhua Beijing on September 2, special telegram (reporter zhou wei) British choreographer, Matthew byrne version of modern ballet "the sleeping beauty" bridge art center in Beijing on Sunday evening, international art festival of new classic start. Resplendent and magnificent palace by the forces of the dark, thunder and lightning, picturesque garden and the forest in the subconscious, exquisitely carved shimmering fairy... Is very...