新关注 > 信息聚合 > Linkedin给用户发邮件 称公司因滥发邮件被起诉

Linkedin给用户发邮件 称公司因滥发邮件被起诉

LinkedIn to user email said company because of spam mail being sued Sina

2015-10-04 10:49:25来源: 新浪

如果你也用过职场社交服务 LinkedIn 的“Add Connections” 功能,恐怕你的朋友一定很讨厌你——LinkedIn 会获取使用你邮箱的权限,然后给你所有的邮箱联系人发一封邮件,告诉他们:Hi,我注册 LinkedIn 了,你为什么不一起呢? 就是因为这样近似于骚扰的...

if you use a workplace social service LinkedIn "add connections" function, I'm afraid your friend must hate you - LinkedIn will get used to your mailbox permissions, then send an email to your email contacts, told them: Hi, I registered LinkedIn, why don't you go? Because of this approximation...