新关注 > 信息聚合 > 申鑫主帅:恒大10轮只丢6球 我们进2球满意进攻

申鑫主帅:恒大10轮只丢6球 我们进2球满意进攻

Shen Xin Coach: Hengda 10 rounds conceded just six goals we into 2 balls with offensive Sohu

2015-08-21 23:31:27来源: 搜狐

(搜狐体育 裴力 8月21日 上海报道)中超第24轮的一场比赛今晚在上海源深体育场进行,广州恒大4比2轻松战胜了上海申鑫。赛后新闻发布会上,主教练刘俊威表示:“队员表现非常努力,刚开始前20分钟打得...

(Sohu sports Pei Li on August 21, Shanghai reported) super 24th round game tonight in Shanghai source deep stadium was, Guangzhou Hengda 4 than 2 easily beat Shanghai Shen Xin. After the game press conference, coach Liu Junwei said: the players performed very hard, just 20 minutes before the start...