新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英国脱欧公投在即 避险资产再受投资者青睐

英国脱欧公投在即 避险资产再受投资者青睐

British referendum on Europe will soon take off safe-haven assets favored by investors longer

2016-06-18 08:44:55来源: 中国网

随着英国是否退出欧盟的全民公投日期临近,市场上风险资产回落,避险资产再受青睐。业内人士表示,英国脱欧,将通过汇率、情绪和溢出效应对国际市场产生影响。 欧洲央行近日表示,已对欧元区银行关于英国脱欧...

With the British withdraw from the EU if a referendum date approaches, the market risk assets fall, longer favored safe-haven assets. Insiders said that the British off in Europe, will have an impact on the international market through the exchange rate, emotional and spillover effects. The European Central Bank recently said that the euro area has been on the British bank off Europe ...