新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重组上市新政发酵 相关公司频遭投资者提问

重组上市新政发酵 相关公司频遭投资者提问

New investors frequently reorganization of listed companies by fermentation

2016-06-23 13:39:32来源: 网易

随着重组上市(俗称“借壳上市”)新政效力发酵,相关上市公司将如何应对也成了投资者关注的焦点。近日,已有多家公司在深交所互动易上被投资者追问,要求就何时复牌、是否因新政修改方案等问题作出回应。 例如...

With the restructuring of the listed (commonly known as the "backdoor listing") the effectiveness of the new deal, the relevant listed companies will be how to deal with investors have become the focus of attention. Recently, there are many companies in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange by investors easy interactive questioning, respond to the requirements when the resumption, whether due to the new deal to modify the program and other issues. For example...