新关注 > 信息聚合 > 昆明跑出加速度(共建“一带一路”)


Kunming ran out of acceleration (build "The Belt and Road")

2016-09-16 17:53:05来源: 人民网

本报昆明9月15日电 (记者张帆、李茂颖)9月12日16时,位于云南省昆明与玉溪交界处的宝峰隧道铺设下最后一组长钢轨,中越中老国际铁路昆明至玉溪段全线铺通。昆玉铁路通车后,将与沪昆客专、云桂铁路联通...

In September 15, Kunming newspaper (reporter Zhang Fan, Li Maoying) in September 12th 16, BaoFeng tunnel is located in Yunnan Province, Kunming and Yuxi at the junction of the laying of the last head of the rail, Kunming to Yuxi section of the line of the old international railway pass. The pool after the opening of the railway, the Shanghai Kunming passenger dedicated railway Unicom, cloud guangxi...