新关注 > 信息聚合 > 以彼之道还施彼身?当十岁女儿看到坏叔叔手机里..


If you can do so? When ten years old daughter see Uncle bad cell phone..

2015-07-26 18:23:38来源: 新蓝网

核心提示:24号中午,廖大姐10岁的女儿遇到一个坏叔叔,对方让她看手机里的脏东西。 据“1818黄金眼”报道,24号中午,廖大姐10岁的女儿遇到一个坏叔叔,对方让她看手机里的脏东西。于是廖大姐提...

core tip: 24 at noon, sister Liao 10-year-old daughter encountered a bad uncle each other, let her see mobile phone in the dirty things. According to the "1818 golden eye" report, at noon on the 24, 10 year old Liu sister met a bad uncle, the other let her see the dirty things in the phone. So Liao sister...