新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新年杭州放大招了!90个重大项目全城大开工 城际..

新年杭州放大招了!90个重大项目全城大开工 城际..

Hangzhou amplification for the New Year! 90 major projects the city construction The inter-city..

2016-01-04 15:09:49来源: 杭州网

2016年的第一个工作日,杭州就迎来了大手笔。今天上午,省委、省政府举行全省扩大有效投资重大项目集中开工仪式。 参加集中开工的重大项目有614个,总投资达到6652亿元,仅杭州市就有90个重大项目...

In 2016, the first working day of hangzhou is welcomed. This morning, the provincial party committee and government at the province to expand effective investment in major projects focus on opening ceremony. To participate in construction of major projects, has 614, a total investment of 665.2 billion yuan, with 90 hangzhou alone big project...